. YES Truly it is not OVER as yet ....EVIDENTLY ....
. . YES The RISKS in regard to the Ultra High DANGER must be well REWARDED ... Realistically. . The Good, Bad and the UGLY truly is a Choice ... YES The SAME MEDIA in ''deed'' ....Must also REALIZE And Recognize their Many Mistakes ''before'' any Recovery can ''begin'' Specifically just as in Realistically. . Reverse the ERA indeed .... SOMEBODY Have to PAY for the MASSIVE Mess accumulated for The DAMAGE and The COSTS .... Specifically . YES, YES, YES .... DENOUNCE And Repent for the many MISTAKES in Deed ...Realistically....... YES, WISHFUL Thinking . ...Presumably being Driven by Derivatives . https://1drv.ms/f/s!AoUiNkESirK02kU5wRAn2H69Risz